Effortless CI/CD with GitHub Composite ActionsLearn how to use GitHub Composite Actions to compose efficient actions that you can use across repos, orgs or publicly.Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023
Docker tips for better Developer ExperienceKnowing your way around Docker makes you more productive — getting things done faster. This blog help[s you do that.Jun 5, 2023Jun 5, 2023
6 Tools to Run Kubernetes LocallyKubernetes is a big and complicated technology and it clearly requires some time and dedication to wrap your head around. There is no…Aug 5, 20213Aug 5, 20213
Incognito Mode for Shell EnvironmentsWhatever we write on the Shell, its history is saved on the HISTFILE. If you go and type history on your terminal, you're going to see a…May 16, 20211May 16, 20211
Streamline your projects using Makefilemake is one of the tools that we use heavily for streamlining tasks on our projects. It has proven to be helpful specifically for…Dec 26, 20201Dec 26, 20201
How Rolling and Rollback Deployments work in KubernetesKubernetes has been used heavily on production for the past few years. It offers a plethora of solutions for orchestrating your containers…Oct 25, 20202Oct 25, 20202
Setting up multi-node Kubernetes cluster with K3s and MultipassThere are a lot of tools that allow you to setup a local Kubernetes cluster in no time. But with a full-blown K8s running on your local…Oct 24, 20203Oct 24, 20203
Mastering Git Stash WorkflowGit is a powerful tool that makes up for a lot of use cases on our development workflow. One such case is to isolate the changes of a…Aug 23, 2020Aug 23, 2020
Deploy your Serverless Python function locally with OpenFaas in KubernetesWe have come a long way in building distributed applications. From monoliths to Microservices we have been able to decouple and scale our…Aug 15, 20202Aug 15, 20202
Published inLevel Up CodingUnderstanding Callable in PythonFunctions and classes are the most common things we use in our daily development. We invoke them, pass them around and yet never wonder…Aug 11, 2020Aug 11, 2020